AUGUST is Brake Safety Awareness Month: Stop and Check Your Vehicle’s Most Important Safety System
When it comes to vehicle safety, the brake system is at the top of the list. Brake Safety Awareness Month in August is the perfect time...

How easy is it to achieve better-than-estimated fuel economy? Rising gas prices are back, and most of us are doing everything possible to...

Vehicle Checklist for Back-to-School Carpool Season
School carpool season is upon us and the non-profit Car Care Council reminds drivers to make sure their vehicles are kid-safe and road...

Put a Stop to Brake Trouble
A properly operating brake system is critical to safe vehicle operation and control under a variety of conditions. Brake Safety Awareness...

Do-It-Yourself Wheel Repair
Scratched your wheels? We know exactly how annoying that can be. There are many tips on sprucing up your car’s paint or preventing the...

New Car Care Council Video Highlights Financial Benefits of a Vehicle’s Cinderella Era
The Car Care Council has introduced a new video that explains the advantages of holding on to your vehicle once you have reached the...

Learn about the Dangers of Potholes in New Video
The Car Care Council, in conjunction with AutoNetTV Media (ANTV), has produced a new video about the perils of potholes and how they can...

Feeling the Summer Heat? Your Car Battery is Too!
If the heat of summer is wearing you down, it is likely taking its toll on your car battery too. Contrary to popular belief, summer highs...

Importance of Oil Changes
Importance of Oil Changes Highlighted In New Video from Car Care Council As part of its efforts to educate motorists about the importance...

Rising Gas Prices Don’t Have to Cost You
6 Simple Car Care Tips to Increase Gas Mileage Spring is here and so are rising gas prices. Not to worry, says the Car Care Council. A...